10 Top attractions


Chania is considered for many Greeks the most beautiful city in Greece, a designation that seems quite true when visiting this place. Great samples of architecture of previous centuries, despite the changes throughout time, still maintain most of their original glory. Here we present some of the sights you can see in the city of Chania and within a short distance.

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Chania Lighthouse

The lighthouse at the old harbor of Chania is the most recognizable part of the city, posing at all travel books of Crete. The story of the lighthouse starts a long ago, although its present form dates back since the Egyptian Occupation of Crete (in the early 19th century).

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Monastery of Agia Triada Tzagaroli

The monastery of Agia Triada of Tzagarolon is one of the richest and most beautiful monasteries in Crete. It is built near the airport of Chania, in the position Tzobomylos of the Cape Melecha and at the foothills of Stavros Mount. The distance from Chania is only 15km.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.68 (34 Votes)
Therisso Gorge

The Gorge of Therisso (named also Eleftherios Venizelos) is located near the city of Chania. You can go there by car. The main gorge is six kilometers long. The vertical cliffs are impressive and the lush vegetation has nothing to envy of the other Chania Gorges. The place deserves a visit, even with a vehicle, cobined with a visit in the historical beautiful village of Therisso.

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Souda Islet

Souda is the name of the small island that stands like a guard in the entrance of the gulf of Souda., a natural harbor protected by the high mountains the east of Chania, on the northeast side of the port of Chania.

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Gouverneto monastery

Gouverneto or Gderneto Monastery is located 19km east of Chania, on the north side of the Cape Akrotiri of Chania, near the monastery of Agia Triada Tzagarolon. It can be accessed through the Agia Triada, where there is a sign leading to the Gouverneto.

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Ancient Kydonia

The Minoan Kydonia was built at the current location of the old town of Chania. Kydonia was the third largest town of Minoan Crete. Here developed a thriving craft industry and the town became rich through sea trade, which was favored by its position. Indeed, the ancient writers mention Kydonia as the mother of the Cretan towns.

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Maritime museum of Crete

At the entrance of the port of Chania is situated the Venetian Fortress Firkas, where on December 1st 1913, the Greek flag has been hoisted, sealing the union of Crete with the motherland Greece.

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Souda Bay War Cemetery

At Vlites position, by Souda port, in a beautifully landscaped scenery, there is the Souda Bay War Cemetery, where ceremonies take place every year in memory of the victims of the Second World War. Throughout the year, many visitors, mainly Australians and New Zealanders, visit this place.

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