Conditions apply


Terms of Use
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To have the right to use I have the obligation to

  • Respect the environment of Crete.
  • Collect all my waste and encourage others to do so.
  • Do not pick flowers from the countryside, a photo is always enough to keep them with me forever.
  • If I camp in non-organized space, I will leave the room exactly as I found before.
  • Do not touch the junipers that grow only 1cm per year.
  • Do not break branches and do not light fires in the countryside.
  • Do not bother animals and plants.
  • Do not make any intervention in the environment (illegal constructions, sand extraction, etc.).
  • Leave only footprints and take only photos with me.

Using this website implies the full adoption of all these terms.

I do not accept


Reproduction, partial copy, summary or paraphrasing of the content of this website by any means, without the prior written permission of the author, is not allowed by the Greek Law 2121/1993.

General guards the personal information as confidential and shall not transfer it to any third party (natural or legal) for no reason with the exception of the relevant provisions of law and to the relevant authorities. keeps records of personal information, which are sent to the user during registration, for communication and operation of the site.

The user can communicate with our managers to request correction or deletion. is possible to process part or all of the information you have sent for statistical and improvement of services.

Copyrighted Material carries no responsibility for the content of photos that may affect privacy.
Under Article 13 of Law 2472/1997 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to processing of personal data:
Right of objection
1. The data subject may serve at any time opposition to the processing of data relating to him/her. The objections must be written and addressed to the controller and must contain a request for specific action, such as rectification, temporary non-use, commitment, lack of transfer or deletion. The controller has an obligation to respond in writing to the objections within a deadline of fifteen (15) days. In response, he/she must inform the subject of the action taken or, for reasons of no response. The response in case of rejection of opposition shall be communicated to the Authority.
2. If the controller does not respond within the time or the response is not satisfactory, the data subject has the right to contact the Authority and request consideration of his objections. If the Authority suggests that the opposition is reasonable and that there is a risk of serious harm to the subject, it may require the immediate suspension of processing until a final decision on the objections.
Therefore, if a visitor finds that published photographs affect his/her personal data (subject), please contact the administrators to perform all statutory procedures provided by this, and if data is copyrighted, it will immediately get removed from the site.

Products selling

The site provides an online store selling of the books of author Alexandros Roniotis (VAT 119699065, Tax Office: B 'Heraklion), based in Heraklion Crete. First and foremost, we concern for the disclosure of the terms governing the rights and obligations of to its visitors.

A necessary condition for initiating a transaction between us and you is providing some of your personal data. During a request, you will be asked your full name, address where you want to send the products sold, a land phone (or any other phone number which will be used), your e-mail address, etc. is faithful to the principles of data protection provided by laws and international conventions and will not engage in any unlawful actions without prior approval from you. in no way discloses, publishs, sells or exchanges your personal data and information, unlessed imposed by a public authority, court, etc.

SECURITY uses the platform Paypal for secure online transactions. PayPal is an online money transfer service that is widely used for secure transactions over the Internet. The company that operates it is the same that owns eBay, the largest eshop in the world.

Prices of goods sold:

Prices include 6.5% VAT for books.


1. Force Majeure: If for reasons of force majeure (eg bad weather, strikes, etc.) we can not deliver the products within the prescribed time, we will notify you via e-mail, to tell us if you wish, in these conditions, the completion of your order.

2. Responsibility of is not responsible for defects or poor quality of products available to customers.

If, however, the products delivered are found defective, you keep the right to return and replacing them new products at your own shipping costs.

3. Cookies: Like most web sites, uses cookies to access certain information each time you navigate through a web browser.

4. Applicable Law: All transactions made through are governed by the International and European Law regulates, related to electronic commerce as well as by the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994) regulating matters for remote sales.

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