Heraklion Gorges


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Prinias Gorge (Lagouta)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (3 Votes)

Adjacent and parallel to the current highway linking Heraklion to Messara plane, between the villages Prinias and Avgeniki, a beautiful canyon is formed, mainly known as Lagouta. Its descent requires the use of canyoning equipment, as it forms some steep descents. In some parts, the canyoners should swim. especially in the 30m long narrowest and most beautiful part.

However, you can admire a large part of it by walking backwards from the gorge exit at Giannoules position, where a small dam forms a small but beautiful lake. It is not particularly long, but is very impressive with narrow passages, very high walls and waterfalls.

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Additional Info

Type: Canyoneering equipment needed
Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Water: Water till spring
Difficulty (0-10): 2
Accessibility: Walking

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