The canyon Chosti is formed by the small settlement of Hosti in Chania prefecture, amid one of the most beautiful and lush green places of Crete. Away from the known tourist routes, it remains completely unknown and yet untouched. You will not find in any tourist guide referring to it, though it is a jewel of western Crete and is one of the most beautiful small canyons small, which can be easily crossed without any canyoning equipment.
During winter, its bed has water and, near the end of the canyon, small and beautiful waterfalls are formed. It is actually a tributary of the river Platanias and its entrance is located right in the center of the village Hosti, from where you can descend to the riverbed, next to an impressive cypress grove. Due to the high rainfalls in the area, the trees in the canyon exceed 20 meters in height and the forest is reminiscent of northern Europe.
Close to the middle of the gorge we meet some of the most majestic plane trees in Crete, ageing over 1000 years and having incredible trunk formations. A large part of the canyon is very narrow and sunlight almost never reaches the riverbed. It is a unique sculpture of nature and on its vertical walls you will see many holm oak trees.
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Additional Info
- Length (km): 1
- Type: Hiking gorge
- Location: Chania Prefecture
- Water: Water till spring
- Difficulty (0-10): 2
- Altitude difference (m): 50
- Hiking Hours: 0.5
- Accessibility: Paved road