Peak Sanctuary of


Petsofas Peak Sanctuary
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Petsofas peak is located near Palekastro and above the archaeological site of Roussolakos. In Minoan times here a peak sanctuary was founded where rituals included the deposition of clay figurines of cattle, men and women.

One of the main features of Petsofas is that initially it was almost naturally landscaped with minimal architectural interventions. Later the temple was replaced by a five-room building, one wall of which still stands to a height of 1.80m. The addition of a building is a common feature of the few peak sanctuaries that were not abandoned after the end of the Middle Bronze Age.

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Additional Info

Location: Lassithi Prefecture
Type: Peak Sanctuary
Accessibility: Dirt track
Peak Period: Minoan Era (3000 BC-1200 BC)

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