Modern history


Since 1896, after the massacres of Arkadi, Crete has become autonomous under the protection of the Ottoman Empire and is officially named the Cretan State. In 1898, after the slaughters of the Ottomans against the Christians in Heraklion, all muslims are forced to leave Crete and the island returns to pure Christian population after 2.5 centuries of Ottoman rule. 

On December 1st, 1913, Crete officially united with Greece, fulfilling the century-long dream of Cretans. The political personality of Eleftherios Venizelos from Chania, who was later to become the Prime Minister of Greece, came to the fore.

However, the struggles of Cretans did not end then, since the Cretans had to fight in the Battle of Crete in 1941, which was one of the most important one of World War II, due to the strategic location of the island in the Mediterranean.

Once again, Crete was reborn from its ashes. Today, there are memorials and monuments scattered all over the island reminding the horror and devastation of war and the great value of peaceful coexistence between nations.

In all places of Crete, the visitor can still see the remains of German military infrastructure. Haunted pillboxes are still hanging on the steep capes of Lithino, Spatha, Aforesmenos, Drapanos, Plakias and many other places. Visitors can visit the Allied War Cemetery at Souda bay and the German War Cemetery at Maleme, at the site of the Battle of Crete.

The Battle of Crete is the first airborne invasion in history.

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German bunker at Spatha

The northernmost ground of the island of Crete is the Cape of Spatha in Chania prefecture. This strategic location could not have gone unnoticed by the German occupiers during the Second World War, who installed a large bunker with guns, cannons, buildings, arcades, etc. which still haunt this remote place.

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German shelter of St. Spiridon

One of the very easily and really small shelters that are open to people is located in the city of Chania. It is located just behind the church of St. Spyridon and has two entrances like most. The shelter of Saint Spyridon is only a few meters deep. No light is needed as the gallery is quite short. The shelter was built at the site of a former cave, the entrance of which is blocked by boulders.

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Tziveri Limni pillbox

Nowhere in the Cretan coastline one meets so many German pillboxes than the seafront of Ierapetra. The pillboxes are made of concrete and are reminiscent of igloos with openings for machine guns. Even within the Ierapetra city we still meet pillboxes, all remnants of the German presence during the Second World War. One of the German pillboexs surviving in perfect condition is the one on the east side of the town in the area called Tziveri Limni.

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Memorial for Kidnap of General Kreipe

This weird memorial column commemorates the kidnap of General Kreipe, maybe the most important military operation in Crete in 1944. The kidnappers stopped the car of the General at this point and started their timely course till reaching the south coasts of Crete and deliver the General in Egypt.

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Fourni Cave at Alikambos

The wider region of the village Alikambos, at Chania, we meet several caves because of the limestone bedrock. One of these caves is Fourni located in the village. Fourni unlike other caves of the region does not bear cave decoration as it is really poor. However it surely has the most important history of all, because it is located inside the village and, therefore, served as a shelter for the locals, especially during the bombardments of the Second World War. Fourni entrance is not easy to access, due to being blocked by rubbish and vegetation.

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The colorful shelter

Crete is a place with endless diverse beauties that it has always new places to show, even to those who think that know Crete well. Some of these treasures are hidden below the surface. One of these places is a German shelter several meters below the surface of the earth that has never until now been recorded in photos. This shelter, so many years after the liberation of Crete in 1945, keeps it secrets well hidden. The area has loose grounds and the entrance to it is really dangerous. All its main gates have been blocked by colissions, making it impossible to enter. Entering the shelter can be made from another place using a rope.

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