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  • ⭐ Travel Guide for Island Crete ⛵, Greece❗ - Nature

Nothing is repeated in Crete. Enormous geological contradictions and special weather conditions have formed unique landscapes, surprising the visitors and keeping senses constantly alert.

Each route in Crete is unique. Variant sensations, pictures, colors, flavors, sounds accompany visitors at every step. 

One can encounter emerald beaches, scrublands, sand dunes, rocky summits, steep slopes, alpine zones, verdant mountains, deep gorges, dry lands, gurgling rivers, scenic ponds, Mediterranean woods, wetlands, fertile meadows, vineyards and olive groves, while the same contrasts are met below sea surface.

Those contradictions favor the development of different ecosystems, significantly increasing the biodiversity of the island.

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Iligas beach (Kavi)

Iligas is an amazing turquoise-water sandy beach, 1km west of Chora Sfakion and 74km south of Chania. Iligas is located at the end of Kavi Gorge, that starts close to Anopolis. There are two beaches, separated with a big cavy rock.

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Geropotamos beach

Geropotamos is located about 18km east of Rethymnon and 3km west of Panormo. It is named after the homonym river that empties in the east end of the beach. The small beach is sandy and has crystal clear water, which is very cool because of the river, which has water all year round and forms a small deep lake near the shore.

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Kali Limenes beach

If you exclude the repelling landscape of tanks, you will certainly be enchanted by the beautiful beaches of Kali Limenes, which are suitable for swimming all year round. As its name name suggests, sea in Kali Limenes (i.e. Fair Harbors) is almost always calm, except in winter. This was one of the reasons for the construction of the tanks here. If you visit the place on weekend, all its beaches are crowded by thousands of people, despite the tiring route in Asterousia.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.30 (352 Votes)
Afrata beach

Afrata is a small village, located 3.5km north of Kolymbari and 28km west of Chania, at Cape Rodopos. The small lovely beach of Afrata is shaped 1km east of the village, inside a well protected calm bay.

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Kalami Beach

Kalami village is located 15km east of Chania, on the southern coast of Souda Bay and near the village Megala Chorafia. It has a spectacular view over the Bay and the fort of Souda. It is also close to the ancient city of Aptera and the Turkish forts of Intzedin and Palekastro.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.01 (188 Votes)
Kokkinos Pirgos beach

Kokkinos Pirgos (i.e. Red Tower) is located 67km west of Heraklion and close to the town of Tymbaki. The name is taken after the tower that was there and was built with reddish soil. The purpose of this tower at this point is still unknown. It is the seaside village of Timbaki, home of the port of the region and developed touristically.

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Keratokambos beaches

Keratokambos is a small seaside resort situated 72km southeast of Heraklion, a few miles east of Tsoutsouras and Viannos. Keratokambos, with the nearby village of Kastri, has become a new tourist destination during the last years because more and more visitors come to the area and enjoy the beautiful shores. Indeed, in front of the village of Keratokambos a vast beach, several kilometers long, stretches in both directions.

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