Church of Saint George


Church of Saint George Apidiotis
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East of Stavros, at Cape Akrotiri, starts the well marked path that crosses the small gorge of Mavre and was for many centuries the main route passing through the wild and rugged mountains of Akrotiri to link the villages of the fertile planes to the hermitages of the barren rocky mounts. This seemingly barren and inhospitable landscape was a haven for hermits and is full of hidden treasures that are not visible at first glance.

One of the many small convents surviving today is that of Saint George Apidiotis located in the gorge of Mavre. The austere temple is built in one of the many caves of Akrotiri and has a nice view into the ravine.

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Walking
Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)

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