Church of Saint Kiraiki


Church of Agia Kiriaki at Vorrou
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The end of the 19th century, the monk Georgios Kostantoulakis, also known locally as Moisis, took refuge in a secluded location near the village Vorrou, where he lived in a small cave. Over time he built the church of Saint Kyriaki, a cell and some auxiliary rooms. According to the inscription we see even today over the church door, the temple was built in 1901.

Over the years the place attracted pilgrims and Georgios, who was looking for the absolute isolation, moved to Mount Athos, where he lived throughout his whole life. Today we can reach the former monastery through a short dirt roads starting from Vorrou.

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Dirt track
Peak Period: Cretan State - Autonomous Era (1898-1913)

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