The church of St. George at Floria bears frescoes of Ioannis Provatopoulou (date 1497). Among the paintings there is a representation of the donor of the church (right of entry), while outside the temple we see an embossed decoration.
The ruined monastery of St. Anthony at location Petali was one of the finest religious monuments that patiently awaits its restoration. Here we discern the destroyed two-aisled church that was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Anthony. The south wall, the only one still standing belongs to the nave of St. Anthony.
Near the abandoned settlement of Frathias and at the position of Ontades or Exo Frathias, we meet a church that is dedicated to St John. The numerous buildings around it suggest that it was once a monastery. The present church was built in the 1990s on the site of the ruined church and was dedicated to St. John.
The church of Holy Trinity (Agia Triada) is located east of the village Hohlakies and close to Galifa village. It operated as the temple of a small monastery, which operated as a dependency of Agarathos monastery. An inscription testifies that the church was renovated in 1602, confirming its long history. The church does not bear frescoes, but impresses with its size.
The cemeterial church of St. Onoufrios is located within walking distance from the village Genna. It bears frescoes of the 14th century in relatively good condition.
The deserted today settlement Spatharika is located east of the village Apostoli at Province Amari and its main church was Saint Spyridon. This church, unlike the buildings of the village that are now collapsed, survives and bears 15th century frescoes in fair condition.
At the center of Kounavi village stands the scenic three-aisled church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Archangel Michael and St. Haralambos, the patron saint of the village. The temple has three semicircular arches and an arcosolium of the 16th century. Also samples of frescoes survive.
At position Ano Rouga of the deserted village Kallikratis, Sfakia province, we meet the two-aisled church of the Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael, built in the 19th century. The belfry of 1893 is very interesting and the sundial embedded on the wall.