Watermills in East Crete


Plati watermill
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Because of the high altitude of Lassithi Plateau it is mainly believed that there were nowhere watermills, only windmills. In fact there were watermills in the water-rich southwest part of Lasithi. With the time the watermills in Lassithi were disused and now they area covered by dense vegetation. The mills of the plateau are met at the villages Agios Charalambos, Kaminaki, Avrakontes, Plati, Magoulas and Psichro. One of the mills preserved in quite good condition is the watermill of Plati, located on a slope slightly higher than the village in a wooded location with old oaks, platans and other trees. The watermill in Plati hosts a large stone cistern where water was collected and used later for grinding the grain.

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