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10 secret beaches revealed
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Here I present you 10 intact gems of Cretan shores, as I prefer them. Forget crowded places, well known beaches and explore genuine places. Enjoy them!

Alexandros Roniotis, Creator of cretanbeaches.com

  • Secluded beaches in a waveless bay, accessed only on boat from Heraklion.
  • Volcano marbles, many caves and deep blue water. For me, the best beach of central Crete.
  • Accessed only on foot from Vai or Maridati, totally secluded and ...edenic!
  • Tropical African sand, amazing rock formations and total seclusion! (photo: Christopher Cheiladakis)
  • Pine trees and steep conglomerate rocks, next to Achlia beach. You'll love it!
  • Some say that Asterousia Range hosts some of the best beaches of Greece... We are here to assure that!
  • Two tiny beaches next to Agios Antonios cave and on the pine-wooded way to Koudoumas Monastery.
  • Former pirate shelter, today hosts many campers on summer days! A closed bay with interesting seabed.
  • A typical Greek beach with scenic background and pebbly seabed, located between Plakias and Souda.
  • Steep cliffs made of plaster and turquoise shallow water. Amazing views to the castle of Frangokastelo and the White Mounts.

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