East Crete beaches



Kedromouri beach
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If you walk along the coast to the north of Maridati till Vai palmgrove, you will meet several small coves, totally secluded accessed only by boat or on foot (it takes 2:30 hours to reach Vai). The most beautiful beach is located at the middle of the distance (Vai-Maridati) and is named Kedromouri, i.e. junipers' cape, after the respective trees.

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Additional Info

Sea water color: Deep blue, Blue
Sand type: Sand, Pebbles
Location: Lassithi Prefecture, East Crete, Sitia area
Depth: Normal
Sea surface: Usually calm
Crowds: Quiet
Other Information: Nudism friendly, Ideal for snorkeling / spearfishing
Accessibility: Boat, Walking

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