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  • Sea Cave of Koutalas in Kokkino Chorio
Sea cave of Koutalas
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A few meters east of the small beach Koutalas and on the rocky coastline of Drapanos we meet one of the many caves in the area of ​​Kokkino Chorio. It is the imposing cave of Koutalas, known to some as Nerospilia (Water Cave), even though Nerospilia is located in another nearby location.

Access to the cave is via a concrete staircase that penetrates the rock and leads to an impressive vaulted cave with access to the sea. When the weather permits and there is no wave, one can swim in the deep and clear waters. A large room is also created without cave decor.

In the same area, there are caves where fishermen lived in the past and they have been configured with rooms. There was also access to the sea via stairs.

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Horizontal Cave
Accessibility: Dirt track

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