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  • ⭐ Travel Guide for Island Crete ⛵, Greece❗ - Fauna

Crete is isolated from other continental regions of Europe, Asia and Africa and this is reflected on the genetic diversity of the island’s fauna. From the proud Cretan ibex, the wildcat and the Cretan shrew to the endemic arthropods and bats, the fauna of Crete hides many secrets about the evolution of species in the Eastern Mediterranean.

On the island there are no animals that could harm humans. The ancestors of the Cretans attributed this either to a labor of Hercules in order to honor the birthplace of Zeus, Crete, or to the blessings of Paul the Apostle, who spent two years in Crete.

Avifauna of Crete is considered one of the richest in Europe, home to over 350 bird species. Cretan mountains host the highest insular population of vultures in the world, while along with Corsica, Crete hosts the last couples of lammergeiers in the Mediterranean.

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Turkish Gecko

The Turkish gecko (scient. Hemidactylus turcicus) or Mediteranean house gecko is one of the most common reptiles in Crete, which is closely related to the Moorish gecko. Indeed, many people tend to confuse the two species that have similar characteristics but do not belong in the same species.

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Messara Horse (Georgalidiko)

The Horse of Messara, or otherwise Georgalidiko, Giorgalidiko or Cretan horse is a domestic horse breed native of Crete, which does not exist elsewhere in the world. The breed exists on the island at least since the Preminoan Era, because a horse skeleton has been found in excavations dating back before 1700BC and, thus, it is considered the oldest breed in Europe. The Cretans call it horse of Messara because of initial breeding that in the homonym plain of Crete.

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Hedgehogs are commonly met animals on the island of Crete, belonging to two different species, Erinaceus concolor and Erinaceus roumanicus. Unfortunately, they are considered a delicacy for some, and there several cases in Crete when these animals are eaten (mainly by Roma people). Lastly, the hedgehogs are considered sacred animals by the Greek Church because of the characteristic manner of mating, reminiscent of humans. Indeed, sometimes they mate face to face so as to avoid the spines on their back.

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Balkan Green Lizard

In Crete, apart from the main subspecies Lacerta trilineata trilineata, there is also the subspecies Lacerta trilineata polylepidota. The green lizards are completely harmless, although some consider them poisonous.

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Least weasel

The Cretan least weasel (mustela nivalis galinthias) is an endemic subspecies of the common weasel, which is met all over the island. Other names of the animal is dwarf, pygmy or mouse weasel. Cretans also call it kalogiannou or kalogynekari (meaning nun) due to its white-striped chest, making it look like a nun.

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Bearded Vulture

The Lammergeier, Lammergeyer or bearded vulture (scient. Gypaetus barbatus) is the rarest species of vulture out of the four that exist in Europe, which’s population has declined dramatically in Greece and it’s in imminent danger of extinction. During the last decades the species was widespread throughout Greece, but today is limited only to the island of Crete. 

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Cretan badger

The badger of Crete or arcalos (scient. Meles meles arcalus) is an endemic subspecies of the common badger. It is a carnivorous mammal resembling a bear with short legs and relatively long body (70-95 centimeters) and short tail (15 centimeters), while it can weight up 20 kilos.

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Eleonora's Falcon

Eleonora’s Falcon (scient. Falco eleonorae) is one of the most important falcons of Greece with a wingspan of 84-103cm and a body length 36-40cm. It is a migratory species that nests in the spring in small barren islets, where they reproduce. They are also found in Crete, especially in the small islets surrounding Crete, while in winter they return to East Africa and Madagascar.

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