This plane tree forms a small oasis in the monastery of Saint John Giona, contrary to the arid and eerie landscape around. It is said that a weird phenomenon takes place here, as the leafs of the plane tree are from the other side than usual.
The olive tree has been declared by the Association of Cretan Olive Municipalities as a natural monument due to its relief trunk. Its variety id called hontrelia and is grafted on a rootstock of a wild olive tree. The tree belongs to the Church and at a height of 0.8m it has 4.2m diameter and 10.6m perimeter, while its base has 4.5m diameter and 12.1m perimeter.
The oak of Madalenis or Manalenis is located near the village Korfes. This centenarian oak has been declared a natural monument. It is said that under the branches, that today touch the ground due to their size, assemblies of the rebels in the area took place during the Greek revolts.
The olive tree is located on the right side of the road heading from Sitia to Piskokefalo and locals call it fourkolia, i.e. the olive tree where the Christians were drowned by hanging by the Turks. Unfortunately, the tree has been damaged severely due a car crash.
The oak tree of Ishmael or Smailis is located near the village Mathia. Under the tree, camped the men of Ismail Selim Pasha on May 19, 1867, before taking part in the great battle of Lassithi Plateau (21-29 May).
This olive tree has been declared by the Association of Cretan Olive Municipalities as a natural monument because of shape, relief trunk and its connection with historical events. It is located at position Anisaraki, by Kantanos, where there are dozens of other ancient olive trees. Its variety is called mastoid and is grafted on a rootstock of a wild olive tree.
The olive of Saint George at Kamara Deliana is aged over 2000 years and is not the only case of monumental trees in the area. Not too far from St. George we meet a whole cluster with monumental olive trees.
At the picturesque village Keramota in province Mylopotamos we meet one of the several monumental trees of Crete. This is the perennial plane tree at the eastern end of the village. The tree in Keramota belongs to the species of Platanus orientalis and its age is estimated at about 2000 years. It is the oldest tree in province Mylopotamos and although it is located on the main road, almost everyone ignores its existence as it is located a few meters further down the road, thus the drivers see the upper part of it.