Edible Sea Weeds


Polysiphonia Algae
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The macroalgae Polisyphonia is a genus of marine algae found primarily in western Crete, with several species. It is reddish, has crisp flesh and grows on rocky grounds. It is found at the west seashores of Kissamos province and at a small part of Bali near Rethymnon

The inhabitants of the region of Kissamos consume it as a delicacy and call it “sea salad” found on rocks with shallow water. The edible algae is one of the gifts that God Neptune gave to the Cretans, who consume it since the ancient times. Edible macro algae constitute an important source of proteins, vitamins, trace elements and fibers, containing very low percentage of lipids.

The Cretan "sushi" is gathered in the spring (March-April) and is placed in vinegar for more than 2-3 hours so as to soften. Then it is used for soups, potatoes or as a garnish on raw fish, giving the dish a great flavor.

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