The Goniano gorge is the unique passage which connects the plateau of Sklavokambos and Gonies with Tylisos, while on its sides runs the main road to Gonies and Anogia. Its length is approximately 3 km and is relatively wide and straight. Reaching though the exit, we meet the ossuary and the monument dedicated to the 23 local villagers executed here during the 2nd World War, in August 21st, 1944, by the Germans in retaliation for the sabotage of Damasta (August 8th). During this sabotage, guerillas from Anogia and six Russian soldiers ambushed and killed the German soldiers transferring post fo Chania near Damasta.
At this point, the canyon turns steeply to the south and, before exiting the limestone mass, follows an irregular and steep course, forming a gorge of incredible beauty with very narrow passes and vertical cliffs. This section is called Moniano Gorge, as its exit is in the periphery of the village Moni, province Malevizi. The Moniano Gorge is technical, that is, it forms waterfalls and cannot be crossed without technical equipment and canyoning expertise.