Gorge Chalase or Porofarago starts near the village Sassalos and ends before the village Makronas after 4 hours of course in dense vegetation. The gorge collects water from the two main streams that meet south of Sassalos; the ravine Mylonofarago that starts from the village Mylones and the stream of Kalogirou.
Crossing the gorge is not very easy because at one point it has a big landslide (chalase in Cretan dialect) and there is no clear path. Near Malathyros, approximately in the middle of the route, the path gives way to a dirt road that runs along the riverbed and reaches Makronas. Shortly before Makronas, we meet the spot where the Germans executed on August 28, 1944, the 62 civilian men from Malathyros in retaliation for the action of guerrilla groups in the area. These attrocities of the Germans have not yet come into justice.
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Additional Info
- Length (km): 4
- Type: Hiking gorge
- Location: Chania Prefecture
- Water: Water till spring
- Difficulty (0-10): 3
- Altitude difference (m): 200
- Hiking Hours: 4
- Accessibility: Paved road