Explore Cretan Wetlands


River Tyflos
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The river Tyflos (Blind) is located in Kissamos province in west Crete and its main stream is about 20 km long. The river has water until early summer, depending on the rainfall of the year.

The river has always been a determining factor for the people of the area. Dozens of villages were built along its course, as the river could sustain the cultivation of its fertile valley. Even today we meet the deserted watermills that were once used for grinding cereals or olives, such as the very old Potamida watermill.

The river Tyflos concentrates the waters of mount Agios Dikeos in the area of the Elos and along the way it meets other small streams. After Elos, it passes through the impressive Topoliano Gorge, along the road leading to Elos. After the canyon the hard limestone gradually gives way to soft soil, forming a large fertile valley. The river, shortly before the village Voulgaro merges with the stream coming from the area of Malathiros, and ends at the beach of Drapanias.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 20
Location: Chania Prefecture
Water: Water till spring
Accessibility: Paved road

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