Letzara FallGorge Klados is one of the most dangerous and inaccessible gorges of Crete. The top (starting point) of the canyon is located at position Kokkinovari in a steep slope, 90-100 meters high. The very loose and steep terrain makes access impossible even with technical equipment. So, the only way to see part of this natural sculpture is to walk upside down from the beautiful beach Domata or meet the riverbed 3 hours before reaching the exit of Klados.
From Domata and for a quite long distance, you can ascend in the canyon for about 3 hours. Soon the walls of the canyon get very narrow and its beauty is shocking. At some point the route is blocked by a steep fall called Letzara and you have to return to the beach.
From that point only very few experienced climbers have explored Klados and overpass the several waterfalls. When the snow melts in the spring, there are many landslides along the entire length of the canyon.
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Additional Info
- Length (km): 5
- Type: Canyoneering equipment needed
- Location: Chania Prefecture
- Water: Water till spring
- Difficulty (0-10): 7
- Altitude difference (m): 1650
- Hiking Hours: 12
- Accessibility: Boat, Walking