Gorges in Crete

Lihnou Laki


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Lihnou Laki Gorge
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Half an hour above the archaeological site of Lissos, in a totally secret position called Lichnou Laki there is a small and very beautiful canyon. The gorge is located in the district of Selino, below Prodromi village, south of Chania and its entrance is accessed by a dirt road that runs from the village (to the south). The very small canyon is quite green and is divided into two different sections. The first section is dominated by lentisks, junipers and oaks and the second is covered by pine trees despite the destructive fire that had previously burnt the region.

The uphill riverbed canyon Lichnou Laki is smooth and does not form waterfalls and other obstacles. At the most impressive part of the canyon we meet a beautiful rock shelter that forms a triangle. In the lower exit there is a plateau full of ceramic sherds that clearly indicates the presence of an ancient settlement.

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Water: Generally dry

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