The Frankish konak at


The Frankish konak in Apodoulou
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In the village Apodoulou, in Amari province, there is a very well preserved building, that locals call Frankish Konak or konak of Lady Hanes. This mansion was built by the lord John Hanes, after 1829.

John Hanes was born in Egypt, where his father bought a girl as a slave. That beautiful girl was called Kallitsa Alexandraki and she came from Apodoulou. John later fell in love with her and married Kallitsa. The couple visited Apodoulou in 1829 and decided to build this chateau, so as to spend their summers in Apodoulou.

This building was later used as a defensive tower by the Turks during the Revolution of 1866. Therein, 300 Turk-Albanians were besieged by the rebels. The rebels were about to burn the tower, reinforcements arrived and the besieged guards were all saved, along with the imposing tower.

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Additional Info

Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
Type: Fortress / Tower
Accessibility: Paved road
Peak Period: Ottoman Era (1669 - 1898)

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