Venetian Villa


Trevisan mansion at Kokino Metohi
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In Kokkino Metochi, near Drapanias, or more specifically at the position Trevizana, the visitors can still see the ruins of the imposing Venetian mansion of Trevisan. It was a two-storey building with the ground floor being used as a warehouse and the upper floor as a residence. The crest of the house Trevisan is engraved above the main door and the villa is the best model of a 1500s holiday house in Crete.

During the Turkish occupation of Crete, the area was a property of Ibrahim Softa, who used the villa as a tower and a bastion against the local rebels.

hotels booking Crete


Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Fortress / Tower
Accessibility: Paved road
Peak Period: Ottoman Era (1669 - 1898)

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