• Kissamos - Polirinia - Sfinari


Trail E4 Kissamos - Polirinia - Sfinari
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.92 (26 Votes)

This route starts from Kissamos and is the first part of the European E4 trail in Crete. It is almost entirely through paved road, so you can also use your rented car to explore this part of the E4. 

Initially we start from Manos Katrakis Square and walk along the road, aside the monastery of Parthenos. Then we ascend to Kato Palekastro, Korfiano and Grigoriana, before we arrive at the village of Polirinia. From there we can ascend to the acropolis of the ancient town Polirinia, overlooking the surrounding shores.

We then descend back and follow the road to the lush green village Galouvas. From there we continue to Loussakies and initially have nice view to the imposing gorge of Maganistra. We hen cross Loussakies, Zahariana village (you can make a stop and see the nice church of Panagia next to the river) and then meet the main road connecting Platanos to Sfinari. We follow the main road with amazing view to Kokkina Gremna and Sfinari and eventually we arrive at Sfinari with the beautiful calm beach.

If you feel like 22km of hiking are too much, you could just walk only in the first part of the route, till Polirinia village and enjoy the marvellous Cretan cuisine in the local taverns.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 22
Type: E4 trail
Location: Chania Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Hiking Hours: 5:00
Accessibility: Paved road

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