The fortress Castel di Beto was located east of the village Meleses, close to Del Cornaro, and was only accessible from its west side. On the top of the hill, there are still ruins of the 0.65m wide wall and remains of a tower, a tank, a church, several other buildings and houses. Moreover, nearby there is a Venetian fountain dating in 1594.
In Rodopos, Kissamos Province, there was a reference for a Venetian villa, called Senekjana and built in 1575. It might be the mansion that still survives in the village and operates as a Centre for Information and Study of Rodopos Cape and Kolymbari wider area.
At position Pyrgi of ancient Eleftherna town, located 24km east of Rethymnon, there are the ruins of a fortified tower. This tower was built before the Roman period so as to protect the unique entrance to the ancient town of Eleftherna.
There are the ruins of a Venetian villa of the 16th or 17th century called Rotonda, due to its circular shape. This is believed to have been planned as the holiday house of the Doge of Venice (the king of Venice), however the Venetians did not manage to completely build the villa, as the surviving plans depict.
The village Charakas took its name after a large rock (charakas in Cretan dialect) on which we still see the ruins of the small Venetian fort and the church of the Transfiguration, which was restored recently. The fort consists of three rooms in which the floor is carved into the rock and covered with plaster.
Xopateras or Xopapas (nickname of John Markakis from Manousiana village) was one of the greatest revolutionary figures of Crete. His existence is closely associated with the monastery of Odigitria near Sivas.
In Neapolis town, in Agios Dimitrios area and next to the old aqueduct there was the house of the janissary Maslum Karakasis, which served as a tower. It was said to have 100 doors, one imposing central gate (called Portela today) and 30 arches. Portela gate closed in the same way of the castle Rumeli Hisar in Constantinople. The building was firstly constructed by the Venetian feudal lord Rasqualigo.