Carving Museum


Alkiviadis Skoulas (Grilios) Museum
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The museum is dedicated to the folk artist Skoulas Alkiviades (Gryllios) coming from Anogia, who lived from 1902 to 1996 and was the father of the great Cretan musician Vasilis Skoulas. When he was seventy years old, he started painting and sculpture, reflecting what his soul had captured all these years.

The collection consists of around 120 works that include paintings of rural scenes and scenes from Cretan history, historical persons and his fellow villagers, woodcarvings and stone structures.

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Additional Info

Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
Type: Museum
Accessibility: Paved road
Opening Hours: Upon Arrangement
Entrance Fee (€): Free
Phone: +30 28340 31593

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