Minor Asia Museum


Museum of Asia Minor
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Sfakion Str. 25, 1st Floor, Chania

The Museum - Research and Study Center of the Asia Minor Culture in Chania was inaugurated in 2019 by the Association of Asia Minor of Chania "Agios Polykarpos" in memory of Anna Nikolidaki, in a building granted by the monastery of Agia Triada Tzagarolon.

The museum exhibits photographs, manuscripts, documents and objects of daily use that come from the Greeks of Asia Minor, that were exiled by the Turks during the Asia Minor Catastrophe in 1922. The purpose of the museum is also the research and study of Asia Minor culture.

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Museum
Accessibility: Paved road
Opening Hours: Monday 17:00 - 19:00, other days uplon arrangement
Entrance Fee (€): Free
Phone: +30 28210 90848

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