Αquarium Thalassocosmos


Aquarium Cretaquarium - Thalassocosmos in Gournes
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The aquarium Cretaquarium - Thalassocosmos is one of the most important aquariums in Europe. It started its operation in December 2005 in the former American Base of Gournes and immediately became a pole of attraction for thousands of visitors.

Thalassocosmos was an idea and is maintained by the Greek Centre for Marine Research located next to it.

Visitors can wander through the long corridors of the aquarium, observe with microscopes and readinformational texts accompanying the sixty tanks with 2500 species of marine life. In the tanksthe visitor will see from big sharks to tiny seahorses and jellyfish.

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Type: Museum
Accessibility: Bus services
Opening Hours: October - April: Daily 9:30-17:00, May - September: Daily 9:30-21:00
Entrance Fee (€): 9€, Reduced 6€, Children 0-5 yr old are free.
Website: www.cretaquarium.gr
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +30 2810 337788
Fax: +30 2810 337882

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