Beaches of Crete


80 km of wild shores

Explore the most rugged and remote
seascapes of Crete


Koudoumas monastery beach








Asterousia Range is the southernmost massif in Europe that stretches from Matala to Anapodaris River. The wild beauty and the remoteness of most places are the basic reasons to attract many visitors that believe that this is the place with the best beaches in Crete.

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Fountana beach at Kerkellos

The beach of Foudana is located next to the coastal settlement of Maridaki and belongs to the community of Ahentria Monofatsiou. It is formed in a steep area at the eastern base of Cape Kerkellos and has pebbles, quite a rocky bottom and very clear waters

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Krygia Vlychada beach

The beach Krygia Vlychada is located to the east of the village Tris Ekklisies in the Asterousia Mountains. The name means Cold Water Spring and is taken after the spring with sweet water that exists where the road ends and today gives life to dozens of oleanders.

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Elephant beach in Lendas

The small beach of the Elephant (Elefantas) is located between Cape Psamidomouri and the beach Petrakis in Lendas and directly below the Levinthos hotel, through which there is access.

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