Religious Monuments of Messara


Panagia Kardiotissa monastery, Vori
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A short distance north of the village Vori there was the monastery of Panagia Kardiotissa, a dependence of Varsamonero monastery. Today the double-nave vaulted church with frescoes in the south aisle and some monk cells survice. The original church was single-aisled (today's south aisle) and a second aisle was added to it in the 16th century. The north wall still hosts an arcosolium, a Venetian burial monument. .

The south aisle has excellent frescoes dating back to the late 14th and early 15th centuries. The decoration has stylistic elements from the iconographic tradition of Constantinople. The iconographic program has scenes from the evangelical circle (western part), scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary (arch base), the 24 Oikoi of the Akathist Hymn (in the arch), Saint George and Saint Christopher with the young Christ. It is considered rare that we find scenes from honored saint in the place where we usually have evangelical scenes; this has also been met again at the Monastery of Panagia Kardiotissa in Kera and at the aisle of Panagia in the Monastery of Varsamonero.

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Dirt track

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