Religious Monuments of Crete


Saint George Kontaras church at Vori
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The church of Agios Georgios Kontaras is located in a beautiful pine wood next to the main road that leads from Mires to Tymbaki and within the boundaries of the village Vori. It is dedicated to Saint George and celebrates on April 23.

The church dates back from the 11th-12th century and inside it bears frescoes from the Venetian period. The pictorial program contains scenes from the gospel and from the life of Saint George, with the representation of the saint on horseback on the south wall standing out. On the north wall, there is a representation of Christ Pantocrator inside a relief arch.

Externally the temple has buttresses, while its southern entrance has an impressive lintel. There are also marble pillars from an older temple in the courtyard.

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road
Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)

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