Early Christian Basilica of Kolokitha


Early Christian Basilica of Kolokitha
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Very close to the beach Kolokitha one meets the ruins of an early Christian basilica (5-6th century) that came to light in 1971 by the archaeologist Manolis Borboudakis. There is also a tiny lovely beach aside.

We see scattered pieces of marble capitals, the pulpit and the gates, and the mosaic floors that have been completely destroyed by the sea. On the base of the pulpit, there is a sign that says “ΥΠΕΡ ΕΥΧΗC ΘΩΜΑ ΔΙΑΚΟ(ΝΟΥ) CΥΝ ΤΩ ΟΙΚΩ ΑΥΤΟΥ ΑΝΕΝΕΩCΕΝ +” (God bless priest Thomas for renovating this House). Beside the church, there is a vaulted tank, partially collapsed.

The scattered broken pieces and the status of the basilica reveal that it was violently destroyed after a raid by pirates or occupiers.

According to local oral tradition, the church was dedicated to St. Catherine or St. Helen, without having been confirmed till now.

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Additional Info

Location: Lassithi Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Dirt track
Peak Period: Byzantine Era (395 AD-820AD)

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