The church of the Nativity of Mary (Panagia - September 8) is located in the position Sochora near Meronas, province Amari. The church is known as Panagia Mavridiani probably from the name of Mavrikios (Mauritius), who is mentioned as the owner of the area.
The church consists of two aisles, with the southernmost dating to the 13th century. This aisle retains a few traces from murals. On the west wall there are traces of a representation probably of Saint Romanos, protector of horses. The window on the south side dates back to the 15th century, while the north aisle was added to the 16th and is dedicated to Saints Constantine and Helen.
In the sanctuary we distinguish Saint Gregory from the co-officiating hierarchs, the Melismos and some hierarchs in the niche of the arch. In front of the arch, part of the representation of the Holy Mandylion and Joachim are saved. Below is the Archangel Gabriel from the Annunciation and a deacon. On the north wall of the sanctuary there is a part of the Ascension. On the south wall, paradise and a riding saint are partially preserved. On the north wall, part of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary and Saint Panteleimon are preserved.
The whole western wall is occupied by a representation of the Second Coming, the Deesis, traces from the Communion of the Apostles, the clubs of the Righteous to heaven and hell. In the last zone there are sinners, from whom the Rich Lazarus, the Pornos (horny) and the Paravlakistis are identified (paravlakistis is the one who plows his field and steals a groove in the adjacent field).
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Additional Info
- Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
- K2_XTRA_TYPE.37: Church
- Accessibility: Dirt track
- Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)