Church of Saint John


Church of Saint John at Episkopi (Pediada)
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One of the many frescoed temples of the village Episkopi, province Pediada, is Saint John the Baptist (Agios Ioannis Prodromos). The church, which is dedicated to the Beheading of Saint John the Forerunner (celebrated on August 29) has excellent frescoes of the second half of the 14th century. The iconographic program contains scenes from a well developed Christological cycle, some of which are in the sanctuary. On the south wall is depicted the Deesis between full-size saints, in the west and in a part of the north a large representation of the Second Coming and finally on the north wall the large figure of the Saint John Cephalophorus (Saint John carrying his own head).

There are two tombs on the floor, while outside there is an arcosolium (burial monument) which probably belongs to the founder of the temple. The iconographic program in combination with the tombs testify the burial character of the monument.

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road
Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)

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