Church of Panagia at Aitania


Panagia Kardiotissa church, Aitania
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At the entrance of the picturesque village Aitania,.at Pediada province, Heraklion, on the way from village Episkopi we meet the picturesque church of Panagia Kardiotissa. The church is cemeterial and is dedicated to the Birth of the Virgin. It is a very picturesque church, of the many that adorn the wider region of Episkopi, where we meet many Byzantine churches. The temple is one of the three sites of interests in Aitania. Its location is privileged as it is built on top of a small hill and overlooks a large part of the area. The present church is built on the site of an older one and is built with local stone. The iconostasis is wood-carved.

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road

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