Panagia Kera Church


Panagia Kera Church at Apostoli
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At the northern end of the plain of Kastelli, between the villages Sklaverohori and Agii Apostoli (Pediada province), we meet Panagia Kera. Access is very easy because it's on the main road. The informative signs tell us that the church dates from the 14th century. This is another single-aisled church, built during the Venetian occupation of Crete, a time when the island was decorated with resplendent temples, most of which carried great frescoes. Panagia Kera was also frescoed and hosted a rich decoration, a part of which still survives in very poor condition. The church roof for many years was open after a collapse and the rain destroyed the frescoes.

The church was actually deserted till several years ago when the locals placed a simple semicircular concrete roof that extended its life and prevented the complete collapse. The eroded frescoes are hard to discern today, but there are some that are still visible, like the Dormition. The erosion has removed colors and most of them seem like sketches.

Panagia Kera at Agii Apostoli celebrates on September 8 (Virgin Mary Birth).

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road
Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)

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