The church of Lord Christ the Savior is a single-aisled with two arches and exquisite frescoes dedicated to the Transformation of Christ. An inscription of 1303 indicates that the painters were Theodoros Daniel and Michael Veneris. The narthex frescoes date back from the 15th century.
The church of St Anna at settlement Anisaraki by Kandanos is one of the most important Byzantine churches of Crete, adorned with very important frescoes dating back from 1457-1462. The iconostasis was painted and bears wooden screen.
The church of St. Anne by Opsigias is a double-aisled church (originally sibgle-aisled with an extra aisled attached later). The north wall collapsed in the 13th century and was rebuilt with West influences. The church was restored in 1960.
The Monastery of St. Anthony is located at an altitude of 536m, north of the village Karydi near Neapolis, on a steep rocky slope. The small monastery today is uninhabited and a program of restoration of its ruined buildings has started.
Agios Panteleimonas is a Byzantine church that must be one of the oldest in Crete. It is about 3 Km away from Kasteli. On the outer walls of the church, there are marble crosses and inscriptions that must belong to an older Roman or Byzantine building.
The monastery of Saint Anthony Sfougaras is located at the village Selles and its temple was built in a cave by the sea. Next to the cave temple there are other caves with built walls that probably were used as monk cells. The paved garden hosts a water tank.
At position Onythe we meet the ruins of an ancient settlement that has been identified as the ancient town Fallanes or Osmida. At this location there are traces of an early Christian basilica, which was excavated by N. Platon in 1947 and has dimensions 31mx15m.
The area of St. Thomas at Monofatsi province can easily be described as a religious park, as it hosted 38 churches in the past. The most spectacular of all still stands still in the center of the village. It is the Byzantine church dedicated to St. Thomas, an aisled basilica with a narthex in front.