The ghosts of Cretan countryside


Nea Vorizia
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Just before reaching the village Vorizia and below Vrondissi Monastery, we come across a weird abandoned settlement with ten identical stone houses, without roofs. This settlement is linked to the history of Psiloritis massif and the razing of the village of Vorizia by the Germans during the Second World War.

On August 26, 1943, the Germans bombed and set fire to Vorizia in retaliation for the battle at Trachili on August 15, where Petrakogiorgis guerrilla team killed 13 German soldiers. After the end of the war, the Greek state built a settlement just outside Vorizia, for the residents who had lost their homes to relocate. However, in the end, none of them stayed there. Everyone preferred to rebuild the houses in the village and Nea (new) Vorizia was never inhabited.

Similar settlements can be found in the villages Magarikari and Kato Symi.

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