Gorges in Crete



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Vorizia Gorge
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.80 (5 Votes)

East of the village Voriza, at the foot of the mount Psiloritis an arid canyon with holly trees is formed starting from the Nida Plateau and the cave Ideon Antron. Starting ascending from Vorizia, the gorge initially is very steep with small waterfalls formed in the limestone rock, but it soon widens into a nice valley with Kermes Oaks and rich flora with many endemic plants of Crete, such as the dittany or the rock lettuce (Petromarula pinnata). Continuing up the valley an experienced traveler can reach the Nida plateau. Trekking in the gorge is a bit strenuous and it is very likely that you’ll struggle to find and follow the correct paths without the guidance of an experienced guide.

Instead, the route may start from the plateau of Nida. From Nida, someone could follow the E4 European footpath of Akolita and visit the Cave Kamares (3.30 hours from Vorizia) and, while descending to the village Kamares, admire the view to the south and the beauty of one of the few remaining intact Cretan woods. In some points of this path, even Gavdos is visible (with clean air), the southernmost land of Greece and Europe. f you start from Nida, go to Poros of Milia, the only visible opening between the mountains leading to the south. This is located east of the Mavri peak (1981 m). From Poros Milias, get the path on the right hand (that is southwest of the gravel road that leads nowhere)

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Additional Info

Length (km): 4
Type: Hiking gorge
Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Water: Generally dry
Difficulty (0-10): 3
Altitude difference (m): 650
Hiking Hours: 2.5
Accessibility: Walking

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