The trail of Saint Anthony


Trail Agios Ioannis - Agios Antonios - Koudoumas
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One of the nicest and easiest paths in Asterousia Range is the one connecting the settlement of Agios Ioannis by Kapetaniana to the monastery Koudoumas. We originally start from Agios Ioannis, we pass the beach Elygia at the exit of the gorge Valachas and via a piney seaside trail we reach the majestic cave of St. Anthony, with the small temple surrounded by stalactites and stalagmites.

We then return 5 minutes backwards till the beach of Agios Antonios and get the ascending path leading to the monastery Koudoumas. The pine wood gets denser and we soon start descending to the monastery. Agios Ioannis and the Monastery Koudoumas are reached via dirt tracks from Kapetaniana and Sternes, respectively.

Before reaching the cave of St. Anthony we pass over the famous saltpans of Koudoumas region. It is very likely to see locals to pouring seawater in makeshift troughs on the rocks for collecting salt after evaporation.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 3
Type: Hiking gorge, Signed trail
Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Altitude difference (m): 150
Hiking Hours: 1:30
Accessibility: Dirt track

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