Kofinas - Koudoumas monastery


Trail Kofinas - Koudoumas Monastery
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This path is the main path from which the residents of Asterousia descended to Monastery Koudoumas from the region of Kofinas. We first make a small detour to ascend to the highest peak of Asterousia, Kofinas (altit.1231m) where there is the church of Timios Stavros (the Holy Cross) with stunning views to the sea.

After we admire the view we descend through the same path and with downhill course with spectacular sea views, at the beginning through low vegetation and later through piney woods, we finish at the monastery Koudoumas and its beautiful beach. The monastery Koudoumas can be reached through a dirt road from Sternes, so one could wait to pick us up for the return. Alternatively, we can walk to Agios Ioannis through an amazing piney trail.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 8.5
Type: Hiking gorge, Signed trail
Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Altitude difference (m): 1230
Hiking Hours: 4:00

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