The trail of Hamoprina


Trail Hamoprina - Azilakodasos - Vrachassotis
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.67 (3 Votes)

This route runs through a well designated path that starts from wood Chamoprina near Malia. Initially we climb a steep slope with unique views to the north coast. The trails leads to the beautiful forest of Azilakes (i.e. holm oaks). There is another road reaching Azilakodasos from Krassi.

From Azilakodasos we head to the east and we soon enter a dirt road leading to the monastery of Saint George Vrachasotis, where we end our course.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 12
Type: Hiking gorge, Signed trail
Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Altitude difference (m): 600
Hiking Hours: 4:30
Accessibility: Dirt track

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