Gorge of Embasa or Apotyposi starts its course from the village Kato Kera, province Pediada, and ends near the village Gonies, being about 2km long. Its upper part is very steep and in winter several waterfalls are formed, with the highest being about 20m high. What makes the big watefall interesting, is that it breaks into several smaller descents. Access to all waterfalls is possible without technical equipment, as they can be bypassed from the sides.
Access to the falls is easier if you ascend the canyon from Gonies, however the lush vegetation and steep slopes make access quite tough for beginners. Vegetation consists mainly of oak trees, planes and brambles. On the sides of the gorge, above the great waterfall, we meet the church of Life Giving Spring (Zoodohos Pigi), above which according to local tradition, there is a natural rock depicting the figure the Virgin Mary. Therefore, the gorge is also called Apotiposi (Depiction). The church is the closest parking point to the large waterfall and one can easily reach it from here, but first manages to cross the first obstacle which is the fence installed by the local shepherds.
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Additional Info
- Length (km): 2
- Type: Hiking gorge
- Location: Heraklion Prefecture
- Water: Water till spring, Springs
- Difficulty (0-10): 4
- Altitude difference (m): 150
- Hiking Hours: 1
- Accessibility: Paved road
- Maximum Rapel Height (m): 20