Kallikratis - Asi Gonia - Argyroupolis


Trail Kallikratis - Asi Gonia - Argyroupolis
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This section of the E4 European path is the last running on the east White Mountains and is entirely on a paved road. The road connecting Kallikratis village to Asi Gonia then heads to Argiroupolis. The views of the surrounding mountains and valleys and the lush green area of Argiroupolis Springs are the highlights of this route. As the path runs along a paved road, it is suggested that you visit it by car.

From Kallikratis, we follow the road to Asi Gonia, which initially crosses small quite dry plateaus. We meet at a junction to Miriokefala and Asi Gonia and turn left. Afterward, we start descending along a snake-like road with amazing views of the valley of Asi Gonia.

From the square of Asi Gonia, we follow the paved road to the depth of the valley, next to the beautiful ravine with plane trees that comes from Argiroupolis. After 3km we pass on the east bank and begin to ascend until we arrive in the village of Argyroupolis, where huge planes, springs, and old water mills form a unique scenery. From Argyroypolis, we can visit the cemetery of ancient Lappa with the Roman tombs and the chapel of Pente Parthenes

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Additional Info

Length (km): 16
Type: E4 trail
Location: Chania Prefecture, Rethymnon Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Hiking Hours: 5:00
Accessibility: Paved road

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