Moundros - Nifis Potamia - Agouseliana


Trail Moundros - Agouseliana
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The area of Moundros hosts two different trails which are parts of the E4 European trail. The one heads to the east and after crossing the position Nifis Potamia heads to the village Agouseliana. The entire trail is via paved and dirt track, being an ideal cycling route.

During the first part of the route, we walk southeast of Moundros and soon cross the low dry and rocky hill south of the village Saitoures. On the otherside of the hill, we meet the area of Nifis Potamia (Bride's Rivers), named after a local legend according to which a bride was drowned here while heading to her marriage. The area is used by the residents of Saitoures for grazing and growing vineyards. From there we follow the complex network of dirt roads to Agouseliana.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 11
Type: E4 trail
Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Hiking Hours: 3:00
Accessibility: Dirt track

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