Zoodochos Pigi church


Zoodochos Pigi church at Bale
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At position Bale, just before entering the village Agios Vasilios in southern Rethymno, we meet the Byzantine church of the Life-Giving Spring (Zoodohos Pigi). The church celebrates every year on the first Friday after Easter and is built on an elevated position which makes it easily visible from all sides. The restored chapel stands in good condition. It is built of stone and the external plaster has been removed.

The door is decorated with a carved semicircular lintel, very typical for almost all churches that were built during the Venetian period. On the west wall, above the window were embedded three ceramic plates (pinakia) which today have been removed. Behind the sanctuary of the temple there is a single grave and it is very likely that the church was once used as a cemetery. Inside the church of the Life Giving Spring there are many frescoes that are still preserved in quite good condition dating back from the Venetian Era. We can distinguish primarily male saints.

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Additional Info

Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road
Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)

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