Prina - Meseleri - Vasiliki


Trail Prina - Meseleri - Vasiliki
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.50 (2 Votes)

This part of the European E4 trail comes across the piney woods of Prina and Meseleri. It is entirely through dirt roads and it is an ideal option for cycling in Crete. Signing of the E4 (yellow -black marks) is quite adequate.

We start our route from Prina and get a direction to the east, towards village Meseleri, where it is nice to wander in the narrow streets. From Meseleri we walk to the east and meet the monastery Vriomeni, built on a rock. Thence east again, we move to Assari monastery, which is dedicated to Saint George and bears old frescoes. Through a piney landscape we finish our course in Vassiliki, at the isthmus of Ierapetra. A few meters out of the village, you will see the Minoan antiquities of Vassiliki.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 12
Type: E4 trail
Location: Lassithi Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Hiking Hours: 4:30
Accessibility: Dirt track

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