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11 reasons to visit Crete in winter
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Crete is an ideal place to visit all year round. Its mild climate and its unique mountainous features attract visitors before and after the established touristy summer season. Crete’s stunning natural beauty awakens in visitors an imperative need to discover its mountains, its gorges, its paths.

1. Virgin beaches and Seascapes

There are more than 500 beaches, completely remote, just for you. Swimming is quite bearable throughout the year, as the temperature does not easily fall below 14 °C. A walk on the beach for playing rackets or sunbathe is a way to rejuvenate yourself. Even the sea is calmer in winter than the north winds blowing in summer.




2. Wave sports

Lovers of surfing and kite surf can find some very good spots to practice their beloved sport. Especially in winter the waves in Falassarna go up to 3m, and the common windless conditions are ideal for surfing.



3. Christmas!

Christmas in Crete is a rite with dozens of ancient customs throughout the island. The customs are constantly enriched with modern ones, like the Santa Claus diving in the Aquarium and the Santa Run with thousands people dressed as Santa Clauses running for charity. Even in the snowy Omalos Plateau a very nice Christmas village is installed and the Cave of St. John in Marathokefala hosts the representation of the birth of the Divine Child in a manger with real animals!



4. winter Sweetness

Winter is the time to discover the cities and the starting point for the sweetest "war" and the competition between cafes offering the best hot chocolate! Dozens of Cretans are jammed into small and big city cafes.



5. Raki Distillation

The short winter in the mountain villages is an opportunity for the Cretans to gather, dance, sing, eat and drink. Raki distilleries, known as rakokazana, offer just another occasion for having a party time with friends, accompanied by traditional music and dances.



6. Everything is cheap!

You can find accommodation and activity packages at prices half of the summer. Even parking in urban centers, which in the summer is almost impossible, becomes much easier.



7. hinterland excursions

The winter is the perfect opportunity to discover the unique landscapes of the hinterland either by car, bike or on foot. At the end of your tour, you can enjoy genuine Cretan cuisine at some the traditional taverns, next to a fireplace with all noisy locals around enjoying their time. See car rentals.



8. Water is back

Rivers and gorges are filled again with water and thousands of waterfalls on the island get life back! Many lovers of canyoning from all corners of Europe in recent years have put the gorges of Crete in their winter program.



9. No Queues

You can visit all the museums, archaeological sites and exhibitions without having to worry about the long summer queues and squeezing through the crowds to listen to your guide. In winter things are easy and enjoyable.teaser


10. the Snow

Has your tour operator forgotten to tell you that Crete is covered with snow in winter? Now you know! Alpine skiing, snow climbing and snow kite are some of the things you can do in Crete.teaser


11. No Sweat 

Exploring the ancient Cretan trails and hiking paths throughout the island becomes more enjoyable, as temperatures are really ideal. A sunny winter day is the best opportunity for a memorable trip, without worrying about the heating summer sun.teaser

Alexandros Roniotis

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