Hiking in Crete



Attention! The heavy rains of the last years have damaged many gorges and many paths have been destroyed so they are no longer accessible. You could inform us for such cases, so we update the listings in our website.
Maza Gorge
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.00 (6 Votes)

The long gorge of Maza starts from the village Karydi, merges a smaller gorge that starts from Vrysidi village and ends shortly before the village Adravasti. Its stream continues till it meets the gorge of Zakros, at position Lenika, and continues its course to the beach of Kato Zakros.

It is long and has impressive landforms inside, but the path is only suitable for experts in crossing gorges. In the past it was the main route between the settlements of the area.

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Additional Info

Type: Hiking gorge
Location: Lassithi Prefecture
Water: Generally dry
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Accessibility: Dirt track

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